Theologiae practicae. Editio Seconda. 2 vols. (+) Irenicum, sive de Studio Pacis et Concordiae.

Ultraiecti, Iohannem & Guilielmum van de Water, 1689,

4to. Uniformly bound in two nice contemporary full calf bindings with four raised bands and richly gilt spines. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Title-pages slightly soiled. A few occassional marginal annotations in contemporary hand. A nice and clean set. (8), 25, (1), 884, (16) pp.; (32), 611 pp.; (4), 80, (16) pp.

Second edition of Hoornbeeck’s important work which constitute a systematic exposition of practical theology, focusing on the application of theological principles to Christian life and conduct.

“In a second publication (also offered here), Irenicum sive de Studio Pacis, published in 1666 as an addendum to his Theologia Practica, Hoornbeeck is once again very clear about the need for an irenical and peace-loving approach (Hofmeyr 1975:203). For him, the split between the Reformed and Lutheran traditions was unnecessary. In many of his writings, he pleads for greater understanding and better relations. He also warns the reformed church not to allow its unity to be negatively affected by the cocceian and cartesian differences and conflicts. In his opinion, there are three ways of resolving conflicts: reconsidering the common faith and confession; commitment to piety and common practice, and reaching compromises.”


Order-nr.: 61186

DKK 6.000,00