Underviisninger i Christendommen. 2 vol.

Kiøbenhavn, Möller, 1774.

8vo. Uniformly bound in two nice contemporary half calf bindings with five raised bands and richly gilt spine. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. All edges coloured in red. A nice set. (32), 448 pp.; (16), 511, (1) pp.

The uncommon first edition of Schønheyder’s educational work on Christianity.

Johan Christian Schønheyder (1742 – 1803) was a Danish-Norwegian clergyman. He earned his theology degree in theology from the University of Copenhagen in 1760, at just 17 years old. After studying in Germany from 1765 to 1768 he accompanied Christian VII as a German travel chaplain on the king's grand tour to Germany, the Netherlands, Great Britain, and France.

Schønheyder served as the court chaplain at Christiansborg from 1769 as the parish priest at Trinitatis Church in Copenhagen from 1771 to 1782, at Vor Frue Church also in Copenhagen, and as the dean (stiftsprost) of Zealand from 1782 to 1788, after which he became the bishop of the Diocese of Trondhjem until his death. He was the last bishop of the large diocese (which encompassed all of Norway north of Dovre) before it was divided after his death.

Schønheyder had a strong interest in education of which this present work is a fine example.

Order-nr.: 61177

DKK 2.800,00