Forelæsninger over Historiens Philosophie. Udgivne af Dr. Eduard Gans. Andet Oplag besørget af Dr. Karl Hegel. Oversatte af S. Kattrup.

Kjøbenhavn, 1842.

8vo. Bound in a lovely recent binding of mid 19th century marbled paper. Gilt leather title-label to spine. Spine sunned. A nice, clean, uncut copy. (2), XIII, (1), 466, (4) pp + 1 f. errata.

First Danish edition of the only of Hegel's works to be translated into Danish until recent times. It is translated from the German second issue, as stated on the title-page.

This work has had immence influence on 19th century philosophy, and this only Danish translation was of great importance to Danish philosophy at the time, the time of Kierkegaard. "I snævreste forstand er den hegelianske periode i dansk filosofi afgrænset til årene omkring 1840 (!), en kort men væsentlig periode i den danske tænknings historie, da det var i denne, at Søren Kierkegaard tog afsæt i sit senere så overvældende forfatterskab." ("In the most restricted sense the hegelian period in Danish philosophy is limited to the years around 1840 (!), a short, but significant period in the history of Danish thought, as it was in this period that the basis of the later so overwhelming writings of Søren Kierkegaard was founded. (Koch, Den danske idealisme, 2004, p. 219). "Også blandt de unge historikere fængede Hegel. Det er næppe en tilfældighed, at det eneste af hans værker, der blev oversat til dansk, var hans forelæsninger over historiens filosofi." ("Also amongst the young historians did Hegel catch on. It is hardly a coincidence that the only one of his works to be translated into Danish were his lectures on the history op philosophy.") ( Koch, Den danske idealisme, 2004, p. 221).

The fist English translation did not appear until 1895.

Order-nr.: 60930

DKK 3.500,00