Sur une nouvelle méthode pour l'étude expérimentale des tensions élastiques.

(Paris, Gauthier-Villars), 1930. 4to. No wrappers. In: "Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences", Tome 190, Pp. 457-460.

First printing of Fabry's paper on photoelasticity. In these investigations Fabry's personal contributions
were mainly concerned with various applications of interference to the measurement of distance, angles and shapes, with an interference method of photoelasticity measurement, and with visual and photographic photometry..

"Fabry worked primarily on the precise measurement of optical interference effects, an interest already apparent in his thesis, "Théorie de la visiblité et de I'orientation des franges d'interférence" (Marseilles, 1892). He joined the laboratory of Macé de Lepinay, where this branch of optics of primary concern. The majority of Fabry's research projects involved an interferometer that he invented with Alfred Pérot." (DSB).

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