Sur le Vanadium, métal nouveau, trouvé dans du fer en barres de Eckersholm. forge qui tire sa mine de Taberg, dans le Smaland.

(Paris, Crochard, 1831). No wrappers. In: "Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Par MM. Gay-Lussac et Arago.", tome 46, Cahier 1. Pp. 5-112. (Entire issue offered). Sefström's paper: pp. 105-111.

First printing of the paper in which Sefström announced his discovery of a new element in iron from the Taberg mine in Småland. He named it Vanadium from the goddess Vanadis.
Parkinson "Breakthroughs" 1831 C.

The discovery and isolation of Vanadium has a long story to tell. In reality it was found by del Rio in 1801, he named it Erythronium, but upon further study he decided that he was mistaken as his further studies showed that it was made up of a basic lead chromate.

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