(Paris, Bachelier, 1851). 4to. No wrappers. In: "Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences", Tome 33, No 8. Pp. (217-) 252 (entire issue offered). Pasteur's paper: pp. 217-221. Clean and fine.
First printing of this landmark paper in which Pasteur discloses his discovery of the optical activity of amino acids.
"The optical activity of amino acids accurring in nature was discovered by pasteur (1851, the paper offered), who reported in a paper, which followed the publication of his work on tartaric acid, that asparagine and the aspartic acid derived from it rotate polarized light to the left and right, respectively."(Advanced Protein Chemistry, Vol. IV).
Order-nr.: 49597