(Paris, Bachelier), 1836. 4to. No wrappers. In: "Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences", Tome 3, Séance Lundi 7 Novembre. Pp. (523-) 558. (Entire issue offered). Laurent's paper: pp. 552-553.
First apperance in print of Laurent's announcement of his fundamental discovery, rejected at first by the Academy, in which he "converted Dumas' theory into a real theory of substitution by making the importent addition that when a compound undergoes chlorination, the chlorine takes the place , and, as it were, plays the part of the hydrogen, which is removed." (Findlay).
Laurent demomstrates that a chlorine atom can be substituted for a hydrogen atom in a chemical with little change in properties. As this refutes the prevailing concept, his work is rejected by the chemical community at first. (Bunch 1836 C).
Order-nr.: 49103