(Paris, Mallet-Bachelier), 1860. 4to. No wrappers. In: "Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences", Tome 51, No 8. Pp. (273-) 307. (Entire issue offered). Pasteur's paper: pp. 298-299.
First appearance of the paper in which the optical chemical acticity in fermentation could be explained as an activity of a living organism.
"He showed in 1860 that a specific mold, penicillium glaucum, selectively metabolized the right-handed form in a solution of ammonium paratartrate containing a little phosphate. Later qualified, modified, and generalized by others, Pasteur’s new method become applicable to the separation of leftand right-handed forms in a number of compounds."(DSB).
Order-nr.: 48139