Ueber die Transformation elfter Ordnung der elliptischen Functionen. (i.e. "On the eleventh order transformation of elliptic functions").

Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1879. 8vo. In the original wrappers without backstrip. In "Mathematische Annalen", Volume 15, heft 3 + 4, 1879. Entire issue offered. Very fine and clean. Pp. 533-554. [Entire issue: 305-576 + 1 folded plate].

First printing of what later was to be known af Belyi's theorem or Belyi functions named after G. V. Belyi in 1979. Belyi functions and dessins d'enfants dates to the work of Felix Klein; he used them in this study an 11-fold cover of the complex projective line with monodromy group PSL.

Order-nr.: 47155

DKK 1.800,00