Allerhand Nützliche Versuche, dadurch zu genauer Erkäntnis der Natur und Kunst der Weg gebähnet wird... Erster- (Dritter Theil). 3 Bde.

Halle im Magdeburgischen, Rengerischen Buchhandlung, 1727-29. 8vo. Bound in 3 contemp. full vellum. One corner a bit bumped. Backcover on vol. 2 with a small loss of vellum at front edge. 3 engraved frontispieces. Titlepages printed in red/black. (14),599,(9);(14),568,(8);(14),624,(8) pp. and 49 folded engraved plates with many figs each (17 + 14 + 18). One plate in vol. 2 with a minor loss in upper right corner, affecting 1 figure. On foot of forst titlepage a stamp (Greve Scheel). Internally fine.

Wolff's popular handbook dealing with the whole spectra of physics and technology, depicting experimental apparatus and technical inventions.

Poggendorff II:1355.

Order-nr.: 47078

DKK 8.500,00