Two-Body Problem in General Relativity Theory.

Lancaster, American Physical Society, 1936. 4to. In: "The Physical Review", Vol. 49, Second Series. X,971 pp. (Entire volume offered). Einstein & Rosen's paper: pp. 404-405.

First printing of Einstein and Rosen's answer to Silberstein's critique of Einstein's Theory of Relativity ..

"Ludwik Silberstein, who initially was a supporter of the special theory, objected at different occasions against general relativity. In 1920 he argued that the deflection of light by the sun, as observed by Arthur Eddington et al. (1919), is not necessarily a confirmation of general relativity, but may also be explained by the Stokes-Planck theory of complete aether drag. However, such models are in contradiction with the aberration of light and other experiments (see "Alternative theories"). And in 1935, Silberstein claimed to have found a contradiction in the Two-body problem in general relativity. However, also this claim was refuted by Einstein and Rosen (1935) (in the paper offered)."(Wikipedia).

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