Leipzig, Oswald Mutze, 1899. Bound in one contemp. full limp calf. Gilt lettering to spine. (4),188 pp. Clean and fine.
First edition of this interesting early study of interpretation of dreams. - "After I had completed my manuscript I came across a work by Stumpf (1899) - the work offered - which agrees with my views in seeking to prove that dreams have a meaning and can be interpreted. He effects his interpretations, however, by means of a symbolism of an allegorical character without any guarantee of the general validity of his procedure"(Sigmund Freud).
Bound with:
GURNEY, E., F.W.H. MYERS & F. PODMORE. Gespenster lebender Personen und andere telepathische Erscheinungen. Verkürzte Uebersetzung des Englischen Phantasm of the Living von Feilgenhauer. Leipzig, (1890). XII,345 pp.+ Matthias Fidler: Woher kommen und was sind unsere Gedanken ?. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Fritz Feilgenhauer. Leipzig, 1896. + Der Wiedergeburt, das innere wahrhaftige Leben oder wird der Mensch selig... von einem Freimaurer. Zweite Aufl. Lerch, 1908.
Order-nr.: 46994