Ueber das Verhalten der organischen Körper in höheren Temperaturen.

Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1826. Contemp. hcalf. Gilt spine. A few scratches to spine. In "Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg.von Poggendorff", Bd. 8. (10),526 pp. and 3 folded engraved plates. Small stamps onverso of titlepage. (Entire volume offered). Unverdorben's paper: pp. 253-265, 397-410, 477-487. Clean and fine.

First appearance of the paper in which Unverdorben describes the method by which he discovered Aniline, which became so importent in the manufacture of dyes, plastics, and pharmaceuticals.

"Aniline (from the Portugese anil, applied to indigo, and derived from the Arabic an-nil, the blue substance), was first obtained by Unverdorben by heating indigo, and was given the name 'crystalline'. In 1841 Carl Julius von Fritzsche (1807-71), an assistant to Mitscherlich and, later, a member of the Academy of Sciences in St. petersburg, obtained the same compound from anthranilic acid, which was produced by the action of caustioc alkalis on indigo, and called it 'aniline'... in 1843 Hofmann showed that the three substances, crystalline, aniline and benzidam, were identical with the base isolated from coal tar."(Findlay "A Hundred years of Chemistry", p. 134).

Parkinson "Breakthroughs" 1826 C.

The volume contains other importent papers Antoine Jerome Balard "Ueber eine besondere Substanz im Meereswasser" in which he describes his discovery of the element BROMINE, first German edition, pp. 114-124 a. pp. 319-336. (Parkinson "Breakthroughs" 1826 C.). And Eilhard Mitscherlich "Ueber eine neue Klasse von Krystallformen", pp. 427-442.

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