Sur quelques nouvelles Expériences thermo-électriques faites par M. le Baron Fourier et M. Oersted.

Paris, Crochard, 1823. No wrappers. In: "Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Par MM. Gay-Lussac et Arago.", tome 22 (Cahier 4), With titlepage to vol. 22. Pp. 337-444. (Entire issue offered). Oersted & Fourier's paper: pp. 375-389 and 1 folded engraved plate. showing apparatus used.

First appearance of this importent paper - which can bee seen as the precursor of OHM'S LAW - in which Ørsted explains the experiments he did together with Fourier on the thermo-electric effects discovered by Seebeck. They proved with different experiments, that the effect depended solely on the heating of the plates in the voltaic arrangements. Ørsted calls Seebech's observations "the most beautiful of the discoveries which have as yet grown out of mine (his discovery of electromagnetism three years before)"

"We learn from his letters that thet the experiments on which the paper was founded had taken him 3 weeks, a space of time which evidently much too short for the performance of the work; thus Ørsted himself points out a fundamental flaw in the experiments, but there has been no time to remedy it. The work is of interest, both by what has been gained through it, and by what does not plainly appear; in some of its results it is the precursor of Ohm's law and by its defects it shows how great was the feat of the actual discovery of this law."(Kirstine Meyer).

The offered issue contains further Poisson "Sur le Phénomene des anneaux colorés", pp. 337-347., Ørsted "Sur le Multiplacateur électro-magnetique de M. Schweigger, et sur quelques applications qu'on en a faites", pp. 358-365, Ampère "Extrait d'une Lettre de M. Ampère à M. Faraday", pp. 389-400.

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