On the magnetic phenomena produced by Electricity; in a Letter.... to W.H. Wollaston. Read November 16, 1820.

(London, W. Bulmer and W. Nicol, 1821). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from "Philosophical Transactions" 1821 - Part I. Pp. 7-19. Faint offsetting to first page, otherwise fine, broad-margined.

A very interesting and early paper on electromagnetism where Davy only 4 months after Oersted's fundamental discovery of the magnetic effects of the electric curent, makes some of the same experiments (and new) with Volta's pile and with the Leyden Battery. In two long footnotes Davy describes the history of the discoveries of electromagnetic phenomena.

"In a foot-note, the author refers to Romagnosi's observations made at Trent in 1802that an insulated wire connected with the pole of a battery deflects a magnwetic needle. Mojon of Genoa is quoted as having rendered a steel needle magnetic by placing it for a long time in a voltaic circuit."(Weaver Cat.: 2548). - Ronalds Cat.,p. 29.

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