Berlin, Julius Springer, 1909. 8vo. Bound with the original wrappers in black full cloth. A small white barcode pasted on to top left corner of front board. Library stamp pasted on the pasted down front free end-paper and stamp to verso of title page. A very nice and clean copy. [Faber:] Pp. 81-94. [Entire issue: IV, 575, (1) pp.].
First printing of Faber's important paper in which he introduces the 'hierarchical basis' and uses it for the representation of functions. Faber was building on the idea of Archimedes who computed approximately using a hierarchy of polygonal approximations of a circle. In the 1980s Faber's idea became an important ingredient for the efficient solution of partial differential equations.
The issue contain the following papers of interest:
Weyl, H. Singuläre Integralgleichungen. Pp. 273-324.
Weyl, H & F. Jerosch. Über die Konvergenz von Reihen, die nach periodischen Funktionen fortschreiten. Pp. 67-80.
And many other papers by contemporary mathematicians.
Order-nr.: 44834