Paris, Jean Boudot, 1706. 4to. Without wrappers. Extracted from "Mémoires de l'Academie des Sciences. Année 1705". Pp. 176-186 and 1 folded engraved plate.
First appearance of a founding paper in the theory of elastic curves. "Importent also is his last work, on the resistance of elastic bodies (1705)." (DSB II, p.49 s).
"During the last quarter of the seventeenth century and the beginning of the eighteenth centuries a rapid development of the infinitesimal calculus took place. Started on the Continent by progresssed principally by the work of Jacob and John Bernoulli. In trying to expand the field of application of this new mathematical tool, they discussed several examples from mechanics and physics. One such example treated by Jacob Bernouilli..concerned the shape of the deflection curve of an elastic bar and in this way he began an importent chapter inthe mechanics of elastic bodies."(Timoshenko "History of Strenght of Materials" p. 25-26).
Order-nr.: 44383