On a new Constituent of Atmospheric Air. Received June 8 - Read June 9, 1898.

(London, Taylor and Francis, 1898) No wrappers. In "Proceedings of the Royal Society of London.", Vol.63, Nos. 399-400 (both issues offered).. Pp. 373-480 a. 5 plates. Ransay & Travers' paper: pp. 405-408.

First appearance of the paper in which Ramsay and Travers announced their discovery of a new element which they named "krypton" (meaning hidden).

"Dr. William Hampson presented them (Ransay & Travers) with about a liter of liquid air, which they used, not for liquefying the argon, but for obstaining sufficient skill in manipulation so that they would not risk loosing their precious fifteen liter of argon......The residue left after most of the liquid air had boliled away consisted largly of oxygen and nitrogen, which Ramsay and Travers temoved with red-hot copper and magnesium. ....(they) then examined the twenty-five cibic centimeters of residual gas, and when they found it to be inerst, they immediately placedit in a Pl'ucker tube connected to and induction coil and observed its spectrum. There was a bright yelælow line with a greener tint than that of the helium line and a brilliant green line that did nor coincide with any line of argon, helium, mercury, or hydrogen. They discoverede this gas on 30 May, 1898, and named it 'krypton'....they found that it belonged between bromine and rubidium in the periodic table, and so great was their excitement that the younger chemist almost forgot about his examination for doctor of sciwence which had been schedules for the next day."(Weeks, p. 267).

Parkinson "Breakthroughs", 1898 C.

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