Ueber den Satz vom mittleren Ergal und seine Anwendungen auf die Molecularbewegungen der Gase. (Vertragen in der Niederrheinischen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heilkunde am 9. November 1874).

(Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1876) Without wrappers. In "Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von J.C. Poggendorff", Ergänzungsband VII, Stück 2. Pp. 177-336 a. 1 folded engraved plate. (Entire issue offered). Clausius's paper: pp. 215-280. Clean and fine.

First appearance of an importent contribution to the second law of thermodynamics.

"Ckausius..devoted several years to the elaboration of what he thought represented a new and unique contribution to theoretical mechanics, his idea of a variation in the force function itself. He ignored the new directions in Boltzmann's yhought and, surprisingly, never once thought to find a mechanical explanation for the irreversible increase in entropy. In fact in his final attempt (the paper offered), he even adopted a model in which he reduced the admittedly disordered collissions of molecules to a case of noncolliding mass points in ordered motion."(DSB III, p. 309).

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