Kurzer Bericht von den Resultanten neuerer Versuche über die Gesetze des Lichtes, und die Theorie derselben. (incl. Zusatz).

Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1823. Without wrappers as issued in "Annalen der Physik und der Physikalischen Chemie. Hrsg. Ludwig Wilhelm Gilbert", Bd. 40 (Bd. 74), Viertes Stück. Pp. 337-440 a. 1 engraved plate. (The entire issue offered (Heft 4). Fraunhofer's paper: Titlepage to vol. 40 and pp. 337-378. Clean and fine

First edition of this importent paper where Fraunhofer analyzed diffration phenomena and interpretet them in terms of a wave theory of light, leading him to formulate the GRATING EQUATION. -

"In the paper in 1823, Fraunhofer revealed his continued invstigation of diffraction gratings. Using a diamont point, he could rule up to 3,200 lines per Parish inch. He continued his study of the effect of oblique reays, developed formulations based on the wave conception, and calculated a revised set of wavelenghts for the major spectral lines. Thus, his earlier observations of the dark lines in the solar spectrum enabled him to make the highly precise measurements of dispersions; then his ude of the wave theory of light allowed him to derive, with suitable simplifications, the general formulation of the grating equation still in use today." (Reese V. Jenkins in DSB).

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