Theory of Relation between Hole Concentration and Characteristics of Germanium Point Contacts.

New York, American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1950. 8vo. Original printed blue wrappers. In "The Bell System Technical Journal.", Volume XXIX, October, 1950, No. 4. pp. 469-495. [Entire volume: pp. 469-675]. A bit of sunning to spine and a crease to front wrapper. Internally fine and clean.

First edition of Bardeen's paper on hole concentration and germanium point contacts. Bardeen is known as the inventor of the transistor, for which he, together with Shockley, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1956. Bardeen is the only person to have been awrded the Nobel Prize in Physics twice, first in 1956 and again in 1972 for his part in the development of the theory of superconductivity (BCS-theory) and thus became the only person, until this day, to receive the Nobel Prize more than once in the same field.

Hook & Norman: Origins of Cyberspace, No. 450 (the journal issue).

Other papers contained in the volume:
1. Morton, J.A.; Ryder, R.M. Design Factors of the Bell Telephone Laboratories 1553 Triode. Pp. 496-530.
2. Bowen, A.E.; Mumford, W.W. A New Microwave Triode: Its Performance as a Modulator and as an Amplifier. Pp. 531-552.
3. Hines, M.E. A Wide Range Microwave Sweeping Oscillator. Pp. 553-559.
4. Van Roosbroeck, W. Theory of the Flow of Electrons and Holes in Germanium and Other Semiconductors. Pp. 560-607.
5. Pierce, J.R. Traveling-Wave Tubes (Fourth Installment). Pp. 608-671.

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