An Analysis of the magnetical pyrites; with Remarks on some of the other Sulphurets of Iron. Read May 17, 1804.

(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1804). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from "Philosophical Transactions" 1804 - Part II. Pp. 313-345. Clean and fine.

First appearance of an importent paper in which Hatchett communicates his discovery that iron must be combined with a large portion of either carbon, phosphorus or sulphur in order to acquire the property of receiving permanent magnetic virtue, there being, however, a limit beyond which an excess of either of the above-named substances renders the compound wholly incapable of exhibiting the magnetic energy.
Together with another paper by Patrick Russell: "Remarks on the voluntary Expansion of the Skin of the Neck, in the Cobra de Capello or booded Snake of the East Indiea. With a Description of the Structure ofthe Parts which perform that Office. By Everard Home." Pp. 346-352 a. 2 large engraved plates showing the snake.

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