On the Influence of Iodine in rendering several Argentine Compounds, spread on Paper, sensitive to Light, and on a new Method of producing, with greater distinctness, the Photographic Image. Received May 13, - Read June 18, 1840.

(London, Richard and John E., Taylor, 1843. 4to. No wrappers as extracted from "Philosophical Transactions" 1840 - Part II. Pp. 325-334. Clean and fine.

First appearance of a pioneer-paper in the history of early photography.
"Robert Hunt (1807-1887) wasibrarian and keeper of mining records at the Museum of Practicalgeology and professor of mechanical engineering at the Royal School of Mines, at London. He carried on numerous photographic and photochemical experiments and he was one of the founders of the London Photographic Society. These experiments with organic and inorganic light-sensitive substances, which, with characteristic unselfiness, he made publicg during the early forties of the lat century, were extremely useful in the study of photochemistry, which was the in its infancy, and were of great servicee for years to those who came after him and used his researches for the basis of their studies."(Eder: "History of Photography", p. 326.

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