On the Repulsion resulting from Radiation. - Part IV. Received June 27, - Read November 21, 1878

(London, Harrison and Sons, 1879). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from "Philosophical Transactions" 1879 - Vol. 170 - Part I. Pp. 87-134, textillustrations. Clean and fine.

This paper, recording a series of further experiments with "The Crook Tube" and "the lines of pressure" under radiation, is an importent paper in the history of vacuum physics.

Sir William Crookes (1832-1919) studied at the Royal College of Chemistry , London, and served there as an assistant to Hoffmann. In 1859 he founded the Chemical News and remained its proprietor and editor until his death. He early attracted attention by his discovery of the element thallium by spectroscopic methods. He was an active investigator in many fields of physics and contributed greatly to the advance of knowledge by his study of the radiometer and of the electric discharge in rarefied gases.

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