Scattering of alpha Particles by Gases (In collaboration with J.M. Nuttall). (+) The Analysis of the beta Rays from Radium B and Radium C. (In collaboration with H. Robinson). 2 Papers.

London, 1913. Without wrappers, but stitched. In "Philosophical Magazine and Journalof Science", Vol. 26, No. 154. Oct. 1913. Pp. 549-800 and 2 plates (the whole issue No. 154). Rutherford's papers: pp. 702-712 a. pp. 717-729 and 1 folded plate.

Both papers first editions. Basic works on the spectra of alfa and beta particles constituting an experimental proof of Rutherford's atomic nucleus theory.
In this issue is also found importent papers by J.J. Thomson: On the Structure of the atom.. Pp. 792-799 and Rayleigh: On the Motion of a Viscous Fluid. Pp. 776-86.

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