Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1898. Orig. printed wrappers, no backstrip. In: "Mathematische Annalen begründet durch Alfred Clebsch und Carl Neumann.", 51. Bd., 1. Heft. The whole issue offered (=Heft 1). IV,160 pp. Hilbert's paper pp. 1-127.
First edition of Hilbert's famous report on algebraic numbers.
"The work on algebraic number theory was climaxed in the nineteenth century by Hilbert's famous report on algebraic numbers. This report is primarely an account of what had been done during the century. However Hilbert reworked all of this earlier theory and gave a new, elegant and powerfull methods of securing these results. He had begun to create new ideas in algebraic number theory from about 1892 on and one of the new creations on Galoisian number fields was also incorporated in the report." (Morris Kline in "Mathematical Thoughts..." pp. 825).
Order-nr.: 41356