7 Papers on Radiant Heat: 1. Théorie de la chaleur (Extrait) - 2. Note sur la Chaleur rayonnante. - 3. Sur la Théorie-Physique de la Chaleur rayonnante. - 4. Extrait d'un Mémoire sur la Refroidissement séculaire du globe terrestre. - 5. Remarques générales sur les Températures du globe terrestre et des especes planétaires. - 6. Résumé théorique des Propriétés de la chaleur rayonnante. - 7. Remarques sur la Théorie mathématique de la chaleur rayonnante.

(Paris, Crochard, 1816, 1817,1817,1820, 1824, 1824, 1825).

Without wrappers as issued in: "Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Par MM. Gay-Lussac et Arago.". Vol. 3, pp. 350-375. - Vol. 4, pp. 128-145. - Vol. 6, pp. 259-303. - Vol. 13, pp. 418-38. - Vol. 27, pp. 136-167. - Vol. 27, pp. 236-281. - Vol. 28, pp. 337-365.

All first edition and first appearances of papers forecasting the more elaborated theories which he published in his famous work "La Therorie analytique de la chaleur. 1822". His analytical mathematical method, that any continous function can be represented as a sum of sine and cosine curves, is here applied to physical problems f.i. his treatment of the warming (and cooling) of the earth and terrestrial temperatures (f.i. the papers offred here no.1, 2, 4, 5 a. 6). The theory of terrestrial temperatures played a central role in Fourier's mathematical physics.
An. 1. Description of the 4to volume, which was afterwards published in 1822 without the chapters on radiant heat, the solar heat as it effects the earth, the comparison of analysis with the experiment, and the history of rise and progress of the theory of heat. As such the paper contains importent applications and results not described in "Theorie analytique...1822."
An. 2. This is a mathematiccal sketch on the sine law of emission of heat from a surface. The authors paradox on the hypothesis of equal intensity of emission in all directions, is here proved.
An. 3. An elegant physical treatise on the discoveries of Newton, Pictet, Wells, Wollaston, Leslie and Prevost.
An. 4. A Sketch of a memoir, mathematical and descriptive, on the waste of the earth's initial heat.
An. 5. A descriptive memoir, read before the Academy 20. a. 29. Sept 1824 and later published in "Memoires de l'Academy...", Tome VII, 1827.
An. 6. An elementary analytical account of surface-emissions and absorption based on the principle of equilibrium of temperature. This paper comes with Poisson's "Observations relatives à un Mémoire sur l'Equilibre d'une masse fluide, inséré dans la Transactions philosophique de cette année." Pp. 225-236.
An. 7. An elementary analysis of emissionn, absorption and reflexion by walls of enclosure uniformly heated. At p. 364, Fopurier, promises a "Theorie physique de la chaleur" to contain the applications of the "Theorie analytique" omitted in teis work published 1822.

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