Bemerkungen zu unserer Arbeit: Über die elektromagnetischen Grundgleichungen für bewegte Körper.

Berlin, J.A. Barth, 1909. Orig. printed wrappers. Frontwr. eith tears, endwr. only partly preserbed. "Annalen der Physik. Vierte Folge. Band 28, Heft 2. (Heft 2 in 15 parts) pp.217-248. Einstein Paper: pp.. 445-47.

First edition. The authors claimed in "Elementare Theorie der Brownschen Bewegungen" that the boundary conditions for E, D, H, B on the boundary surface between two different media remain the same, whwther the bodies are at rest or in motion. This is in fact not tthe case. The correction is made here with the help of a method which was originally employed by H. Hertz. (Lanzos). - Weil No 26.

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