Allgemeine Untersuchungen über das Newton'sche Princip der Fernwirkungen mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Elektrischen Wirkungen.

Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1896. Lex8vo. Bound with orig. printed wrappers in contemp. hcalf, rebacked preserving old spine. Binding somewhat rubbed. Some nicks to wrappers. Right margin of titlepage with small tears. XXI,292 pp.

First edition. "As a researcher he was especially prominent in the field of potential theory. His investigations into boundary value problems resulted in pioneering achievements; in 1870 he began to develop the method of the arithmetical mean for their solution. He also coined the term "logarithmic potential". The second boundary value problem of potential theory still bears his name: a generalization of it was later provided by H. Poincaré." (DSB X: p. 25). - Gray: Newton a Bibliography No 125. - Not in Weaver, Wheeler gift.

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