Maestricht, J.E. Dufour & Ph. Roux, 1776-80. Folio. (40,5x27 cm.). 2 contemp. full calf. with raised bands. Tome-and titlelabels in leather on back. Upper and lower compartments of both backs repaired. Slightly rubbed. (4),26,954;(4),284 pp. and 2 folded tables (in Supplement). Margin on htitle repaired. Upper margins of text in vol. 2 faintly dampstained.
Second edition of this extensive encyclopedia of the Islamic world, Herbelot's great work, which is based on the immense Arabic bibliography (Kashf al-Zunun), but it also contains a vast number of other Turkish and Arabic compilations and manuscripts. - "Ce savant ouvrage se trouve aujourd'hui fort arriéré; mais , comme aucun autre ne le remplace, il est toujours très-recherché." (Brunet II:664). - Graesse II:376.
Order-nr.: 35981