Untersuchungen über die Beste Construction der Deiche. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt von C.Kröncke. Mit sieben Kupfern. (And withbound) BRUNINGS Abhandlung über die Geschwindigkeit des Fliessende Wassers und von den Mitteln, dieselbe auf allen Tiefen zu Bestimmen. Aus den Holländischen übersetzt von Kröncke. Mit einer Vorrede von dem Herrn Wiebeking. Mit einem Kupfer. (2 vols).

Franckfurt am Mayn, Behrens-und Körnerischen Buchh., (both) 1798. 4to. Cont. hcalf. Back rubbed and worn, tears to hinge at upper part of back. Bossut & Viallet: (6),78 pp. and 7 large folded engraved plates. - Bruning: XVI,136 pp. and 1 large folded engraved plate. Name to last title in ink. Scattered brownspots. Bossut's work bound at end.

First German edition of both works. Especially Bossut's work is a classic work in Hydrodynamics. - "Bossut was one of a very few whom d'Alembert took as students, and as such he was admitted as a correspondent to the Academie des Sciences on may 1753...In 1775 he participated with d'Alembert and Condorcet in a well known series of experiments on fluid resistance....Busset is nevertheless one of the importent figures in the history of physics and engineering education." (DSB II: pp. 334-35). - Poggendorff I:p. 249.

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