Cum Isaaci Casauboni Animadversionibus, Et Dissertationibus Politicis Ioh. Henr. Boecheri, Itemque Uberrimo Indice.

Argentorati, Ex Offic. Ioh. Philippi Mülbii, 1647. 4to. Recent full cloth w. leather title-label on back (Isacsons). Title-page in red and black, printer's device on t-p. Clean copy. 10, 352, (118), (1), 587, (1) pp.

Dibdin p. 440: "Isaac Casaubon was the first who wrote a valuable commentary on Suetonius, and his edition is greatly to be preferred to every preceding. This commentary... is replete with various and profound learning, and is called by J. Scaliger "the most perfect thing of the kind he has seen." Both editors present us with many excellent observations and rules of criticism, but the LAST edition of 1647 is the fullest, and contains the fragments of Suetonius, and the dissertation by Boeclerus." The first edition is from 1595-1615.

Order-nr.: 25432

DKK 2.500,00