Dictionnaire de Chymie, contenant la Théorie et la Pratique de cette Science, son Application á la Physique, à l'Histoire naturelle, à la Médiciné, & aux Arts dépendans de la Chymie. Nouvelle édition revue & corregée sur les précédentes. 5 vols (all).

A Neuchatel, De l'Imprimerie de la Societé Typographique, 1789. Bound in 5 cont. hcalf with gilt backs. Backs slightly rubbed. Paperlabels pasted on lower part of back. Internally in general clean and on good paper. Small rubber stamp on titles.

Macquer's researches are numerous, varied, and original. Though he worked just before the oxygen period he seems to have been conscious of the defects of the phlogistic hypothesis, and some of his work has a bearing upon the later development. His chief book was the Dictionary, which may be regarded as the first scientific work of its class. (Ferguson I:p.60).

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