Die Vögel Europas. Ihre Naturgeschichte und Lebensweise in Freiheit und Gefangenschaft. Nebst Anleitung zur Aufzucht, Eingewöhnung, Pflege, samt den Fang-und Jagdmethoden.

Stutgart, Hoffmann, 1897.

4to. Cont. hcalf. Slightly scratched on back. 8,LXXX,458 pp., 76 textillustr. and 48 chromolithographed plates (Lith.Anst. Reichert & Wahler, Stuttg.).

Wood p. 204. "A well known, popular work, giving a full description of the plumage, habits, and other characters of European birds. The coloured figures, though small, are of decided value in identifying species. They have been extensively used to illustrate other publications."

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