Leiden, Joannis Maire, 1653 - Amsterdam, Ioannes Blaeu, 1650. 4to. One contemp. full vellum. Contemp. handwritten titles (weak) to spine. First title in red/black with large engraved titlevignette. (8),154,(1) pp. (Ars Historica 1653) - (16),94,(14) pp. (Grammatistice etc. 1650) - (8),83,(15) pp. (De Philologia, 1650) - (16),467,(33) pp. (De Universae Mathesios..., 1650). Fine and clean.
First edition of "De Qvattuor Artibus..." (which includes "De Universae Mathesios" with separate titlepage) and second edition of "Ars Historica"
The mathematical work: Poggendorff II, 1235. "de Mathesios.": "According to prof. Cantor, (it) is the first history of mathematics in its widest sense". Honeyman Coll., 3081.
Order-nr.: 49198