Asia, Of Naukeurige Beschryving Van Het Rijk des Grooten Mogols, En een groot gedeelte van Indiën: Behelfende De Landschappen van Kandahar, Kabul, Multan, Haïkan, Bukkar, Send of Diu, Jesselmeer, Attak, Peniab, Kaximir, Jangapore, Dely, Mando, Malva, Chitor, Utrad, Zuratte of Kambaye, Chandisch, Narvar, Gwaliar, Indostan, Sanbat, Bakar, Nagrakat, Dekan en Visiapour. Beneffens een volkome Beschryving van geheel Persie, Georgie, Mengrelie en andere Gebuur-gewesten. Vertoont In de Benamingen, Grens-palen, Steden, ... Drachten, Bestiering en Gods-dienst. Verciert doorgaens met verscheide Afbeeldingen in Kooper gesneden. 2 Parts.

Amsterdam, Jakob van Meurs, 1672.

Folio. Contemp. full calf. Raised bands. Richly gilt spine. Covers gilt with central stamps within double frames. Rebacked, preserving almost all of original spine. Frontispiece lacks.Title-page printed in red/black. 379,(3) pp. + (2),184,43,(5) pp. 3 double-page engraved maps, 26 (of 28) engraved plates, some double-page and 33 fine half-page engravings in the text. Internally clean and fine, printed on good paper.

The scarce first edition of Dapper's monumental Asia-description. His richly illustrated description of the empire of the Great Mogul and of India and Persia begins with accounts of natural history and topography. Later sections discuss costume, religion, customs and politics. While Dapper never journeyed to Asia himself, his history is one of the most reliable of the 17th Century, using over 200 contemporary eye-witness sources. - Blackmer 451.

Order-nr.: 50393

DKK 18.500,00