Breviarium Romanum ex Decreto Sacrosanti Concilii Tridentini restututum S. PII V. Pontificis Maximi jussu editum; Clementis VIII. primum; nunc denuo Urbani Papæ VIII. auctoritate recognitum... 4 Parts (Vols.). Pars verna, Hiemalis, Aestiva, Autumnalis.

Antwerpen, Plantiniana, 1752. 4to. Bound in 4 cont. full red morocco, profusely gilt backs and covers, gilt inner dentelles. Backs worn and leather cracked at hinges. All edges gilt. 4 engraved titlevignettes an 12 full-page engravings. Throughout printed i red and black on good thick paper. Internally fine and clean.

Order-nr.: 22347

DKK 8.500,00