Molekular-kinetische Theorie der Opaleszenz von Gasen im kritischer Zustande. sowie einiger verwandter Erscheinungen. (Kinetic Theory of Gas Opalescence at the Critical State). (Bearbeitet nach einer am 2. December 1907 der Krakauer Akademie vorgelegten und dennächst in den Bullet. Intern. Crac. erscheinenden Abhandlung).

(Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth), 1908 No wrappers. In: "Annalen der Physik. Vierte Folge. Hrsg. von W. Wien und M. Planck.", Vierte Folge. Band 25, No 2. Pp. 185-376. The entire issue offered. Smoluchowski's paper: pp. 206-226The block is punched in inner margins after cords.

First German edition. "His paper "Teoria kinetyczna opalescencji gazów w stanie krytycznym" ("kinetic Theory of Gas Opalescence at the Critical Stale" 1907) - the paper offered in the German version - shows why the critical point plays such an important role and states that the opalescence of pure gas also should be observable under normal conditions: "Each of us has observed it innumerable times when admiring the blue of the sky or the glow of the rising sun." Smoluchowski combined the theory of fluctuations with the results of Lord Rayleigh’s researches on the blue of the sky; his finding (Einstein also took part in the discussion) was that the blueness of the sky was caused by fluctuations in the density of the air. Smoiuchowski’s laboratory production of sky blue closed the investigation to a certain extent.that pure air can opalesce in the laboratory under normal conditions.

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