Zur Erklärung einiger Eigenschaften der Spektren aus der Quantenmechanik des Drehelektrons.

Berlin, Julius Springer, 1928. 8vo. In contemporary half cloth with gilt lettering to spine. In "Zeitschrift für Physik". bd. 49. Library stamp to titel page, otherwise fine and clean. Pp. 73-94. [Entire volume: VII, (1), 896 pp.].

First appearance of this important paper which explains certain aspects of atomic spectra in terms of the quantum mechanics of electron spin

In 1928 and 1929, shortly after von Neumann had begun publishing his landmark papers on the axiomatization of quantum mechanics, he and his friend Wigner (Nobel Laureate in physics, 1963) issued a series of papers on the spectra of v arious atoms, clarifying the data and putting it into rigorous mathematical form. "Sixty y ears later, in 1989, Hans Bethe was still calling these among the most remarkable of Johnny [v on Neumann's] works" (Macrae, John von Neumann, p. 146).

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