Über die Anwendung der Quantentheorie auf den Atombau. I. Die Grundpostulate der Quantentheorie.

Braunschweig u. Berlin, Vieweg & Sohn, Julius Springer, 1923. Contemp. hcloth. . Stamp on titlepage. In "Zeitschrift für Physik. Hrsg. von Karl Scheel", Bd. 13. IV,406 pp. Bohr's paper: pp. 117-165. Clean and fine.

First edition. As Bohr in his 1918 paper (The quantum theory of line spectra) had discussed the expectation that there was a necessary connection between the classical and the future theory in the limit of large quantum numbers, and in a later paper (1920) named it "Korrespondenzprincip" (Principle of Correspondance), Bohr now in the paper offered discussed again the fundamental principles of Quantum Theory in connection with the Principle of Correspondence.

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