Elementare Betrachtungen über die thermische Molekularbewegung in festen Körpern.

Leipzig, Barth, 1911. Plain wrappers. In: "Annalen der Physik" Vierte Folge, Bd. 35, No 9. With titlepage to vol. 35. Pp. 617-816 a. 3 plates. (Entire issue offered). Einstein'spaper: pp. 679-694. Clean and fine.

First edition. In the paper "Elementary observations concerning the thermal molecular motion in solid bodie" he continues his earlier investigations of the specific heat of solids in which the heat agitation of solids was reduced to a monochromatic oscillation of the atom and the specific heat calculated on the basis of the quantum treatment of an oscillator put in the radiation field. Here he deals with with the discrepancies between his formula of the measurements at low temperature..." (Cornelius Lanzos).

Weil: 42. - Boni: 38.

Order-nr.: 46958

DKK 2.000,00