Newtons Mechanik und ihr Einsfluss auf die Gestaltung der theoretischen Physik.

Berlin, Julius Springer, 1927. 4to. Orig. printed wrappers. In "Die Naturwissenschaften", Heft 12, Fünfzehnter Jahrg. (Seite 273-296), textillustrations. Einstein's paper pp. 273-276. With one plate (portrait of Newton). Clean and fine.

First appearance of Einstein's Newton-paper, which was later included in "Mein Weltbild" and its translation in "In the World as I see it"- Weil: 158 - Boni: 166.
The issue contaions also a first-printing by Max von Laue "Aus Newtons Optik", pp. 276-280, textillustr.

Order-nr.: 46484

DKK 1.000,00