Demonstration of the Non-Existence of Gravitational Fields with a non-vanishing total Mass free of Singularities.

Tucuman, Argentina, 1941. Royal8vo. Orig. printed wrappers. Offprint from "Revista. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman", Series A Matematicas y Fisica Teorica, Vol. 2, Diciembre de 1941, Nos 1 y 2. Pp. 11-15. Fine and clean.

First edition of a scarce paper in the offprint version. The paper "represents the basis of the one written by the same author in collaboration with Wolfgang Pauli in 1943, in which, by following analogous lines, the proof of the non-existence of regular particle-type solutions was generalized to the case of cilyndrical geometries in Kaluza-Klein theory (Einstein & Pauli, 1943). Besides, other generalizations were subsequently presented. The (non)-existence of such solutions in classical unified field theory was undoubtedly an important criterion leading Einstein's investigations."Galvagno and Giribet).

"In his search for a unified field theory that could undercut quantum mechanics, Einstein considered five-dimensional classical Kaluza-Klein theory. He studied this theory most intensively during the years 1938-1943. One of his primary objectives was finding a non-singular particle solution. In the full theory this search got frustrated, and in the x5-independent theory Einstein, together with Pauli, argued it would be impossible to find these structures." (Jeroen van Dongen).

Weil: 208. - Boni: 243.

Order-nr.: 46477

DKK 5.000,00