On the effects of simple pressure in producing that species of crystallization which forms two oppositely polarized images, and exhibits the complementary colours by polarized light. Read January 19, 1815.

(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1815). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from "Philosophical Transactions" 1815 - Part I. Pp. 60-64.

First appearance of an importent paper in optical mineralogy in which Brewster describes his discovery of the phenomena of double refraction caused by compression.
During his investigations on the polarization of light, Brewster quite unexpectedly observed that heat and pressure could produce or change a doubly refracting structure in uncrystallized, crystallized, or organic bodies. Moreover, from the geometry of the interference patterns he deduced equations that permitted him to predict the shapes, numbers, and colors of patterns that would be produced by changes in configuration, temperature, pressure, and method of observation.

Brewster was the discoverer of the law of polarization, of biaxal crystals, of optical mineralogy, and of double refraction by compression.

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