Physiologische Wärmeerscheinungen. Bericht über "Der Inhalt der Schrift "Ueber die Erhaltung der Kraft"".

Berlin, G. Reimer, 1850. Contemp. hcalf, profusely gilt spine. XXXII,622 pp. In: "Fortschritte der Physik im Jahre 1847. Dargestellt von der physikalischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin". III. Jahrgang. Redigirt von G. Karsten. XLIV,703 pp. Stamp on titlepage. Helmholtz's paper: pp. 232-245. Clean and fine.

First printing of Helmholtz's own report on the meeting of the 23rd of July 1847 in the Physical Society of Berlin. In the meeting he presented with great success his groundbreaking paper "Ueber die Erhaltung der Kraft". In the paper printed in the "Fortschritte", Helmholtz summarizes the main mathematical and historical features of his Conservation of Energy-principle as it was laid down in "Ueber die Erhaltung der Kraft".

"On July 21 he (Helmholtz) announced to du Bois-Reymond that he would bring forward his 'Conservation of Energy' on the 23rd at the Physical Society. The meeting was one of the most memorable in the annals of the Society; as du Bois tells us, Helmholtz revealed himself at one bound, to the surprise of all his friends, as a master of mathematical physics. The members of the Physical Society were acquainted with the Law of the Conservation of Energy when it was still unknown to all the rest of the world."(Leo Koenigsberger in "Hermann von Helmholtz", pp. 38).

In his groundbreking work Helmholtz announced the first comprehensive statement of the first law of thermodynamics: All modes of energy, heat, light, electricity, and all chemical phenomena, are capable of transformation from one to the other but are indestructible and cannot be created. Helmholtz offered his paper to Poggendorf's 'Annalen', but the editor declined to publish so dangerous a speculation. Helmholtz had it printed at his own expense in a small number in 1847.

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