Ueber ein neues Grundgesetzt der Elektrodynamik. (Vorgetragen in d. Niederrhein. Gesellschaft f. Natur- und Heilkunde am 6. december 1875 und mitgetheilt vom Hrn. Vefasser).

Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1875. Without wrappers. In "Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von J.C. Poggendorff", Bd. 156, No 12 . Pp. 497-668 a. 1 plate. Clausius' paper: pp. 657-660. With titlepage to volume 156. A nick to inner margin of titlepage.

First appearance of Clausius first paper on electrodynamics in which he replaced Weber's Law with another that would not give an unwanted force between charge and current.

"Clausius’ major effort in mathematical physics after 1875 involved his quest for an adequate electrodynamic theory. He spelled out the fundamental tenets to his approach in 1875: (Weber’s law was incorrect for the case where only one kind of electricity is assumed to move, since the equation entails that a current exert a force on a charge at rest; (2) a revision would be possible if one assumed that the electrodynamic action occurred via an intervening medium, for then electric particles that are not moving relative to each other (moving at equal velocities) could still exert forces on one another by virtue of their absolute motion in the medium; forces should not be restricted to the line joining two charges. In 1876 Clausius simplified the equation he had previously proposed by subjecting it to the condition of the conservation of energy. In doing so, however, he ignored the possibility that energy changes might occur in the intervening medium."(DSB).

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