Ueber die Electrisirung der Gase durch glühende Körper.

Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1887.

Without wrappers as issued in "Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von G. Wiedemann.", Neue Folge Bd. 31, 5. Heft. Pp. 1-144 a. 1 folded plate.(entire issue offered "Heft" 5). The Elster-Geitel-paper: pp. 109-126. Clean and fine.

First edition.

"In 1887 Elster and Geitel discovered the "electrification of gases by means of incandescent bodies", a finding that later was very significant in thermionics. Their finding of the emission of negative electricity from incandescent filaments was decisive in the proof that Thomson’s "corpuscles" (electrons) are a constituents of all matter."(DSB).

The issue contains another importent paper by BUNSEN "Ueber das Dampfcalorimeter", pp. 1-14, in which Bunsen describes his invention of the Vapor Calorimeter.

Order-nr.: 44845

DKK 950,00