Ueber elektro-dynamische Induction.

(Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1842). Without wrappers. In "Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von J.C. Poggendorff", Ergänzungsband 1, Stück 2. Pp. 193-384 a. 1 folded engraved plate. (The entire issue offered). Henry's paper: pp. 282-312.

First German version of Henry's description of his discovery of self-induction. He missed the credit for the discovery of induction to Faraday, but he had done the key experiment ahead of Faraday, but Faraday was the first to publish. But he is credited for the discovery of self-induction (1832) and Faraday discovered it independently two years later (1834).

"In Henry's paper, however, he explained thet the electric current in a coil can induce another current not only in another coil but in itself. The actual current observed in the coil is, then, the combination of the original current and the induced current. This is called self induction."(Isac Asimov).

The issue contains further notable papers Michael Faraday's "Vierzehnte Reihe von Experimental-Untersuchungen über Elektricität", § 2o-22. (Nos 1667-1748). Pp. 249-281. First German version. In this paper FARADAYamplifies his theory of electrostatic induction by making further use of the analogy with the induction of magnetism. Whittaker describes the paper as having "THE FUNDAMENTAL EQUATION OF ELECTROSTATICS", as modified in order to take into account the effect of the specific inductive capacity."(Whittaker I, pp.187-89).

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