Elements of a Mathematical Theory of Elasticity. Received April 16, - Read April 24, 1856.

(London, Taylor and Francis, 1856). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from "Philosophical Transactions" 1856 - Vol. 146 - Part II. Pp. 481-498.

First edition of an importent paper on the elasticity of materials.

"The most importent contributions made to physics by Thomson during the first years of his work at Glasgow were in the field of thermodynamics, buthe also obtained a considerable amount of experimental data in strenght of materials and in the theory of elasticity. The result were later used in the preparation of articles which appeared in the ninth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica and they became widely read and greatly valued."(Timoshenko p. 263).

Lord Kelvin "was generally looked upon as the founder of British physics. Together with helmholtz in germany, he had been the foremost figure in transforming - indeed, in creating - the science of physics as it was known in 1900."(DSB XIII, p. 387).

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