Untersuchung über die electrische Entladung in verdünnten Gasen. (Erste - Zweite Abhandlung). (2 Papers).

Berlin, J.A. Barth, 1898, 1901 Without wrappers. In "Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von G. Wiedemann.", Neue Folge, Bd. 65, No. 7. (Entire issues offered). Pp. 241-480. . And Vierte Folge, Bd. 5. Pp. 241-488, textillustr. Wien's paper pp. 440-452, textillustrations and pp. 421-435, textillustrations. Clean and fine. The second issue punched in inner margin after cords., no loss of text.

First appearance of Wien's importent paper in which he shows that the cathode rays are particles, that their velocity is about a third to that of light and he establish the ratio between the mass and the charge.

In the paper are "described the experiments by which Wien determined the properties of the canal rays. The firstpart of the paper conatins a description of observations on the cathode rays, made with a Lenard Tube, in which the cathode rays passed through an aluminium window into an extension of the tube where as high a rarefaction as possible was maintained. The magnetic and electrostatic deflexions of a narrow cathode stream were observed and Wien concludes that it is proved by his investigation that the cathode rays which pass through the windoww carry with them strong negative charges."(Magie "Souce Book in Physics", p. 597 ff.).

Wien was awarded the 1911 Nobel Prize for physics for his discoveries regarding laws governing the radiation of heat.

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